Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Cool Engagement Party For Two

If parties aren't your thing and you prefer more private settings to celebrate your engagement together, try a road trip just for the two of you. If you prefer a cool place to snuggle up together, head for the mountains. If you want fun and sun, try the beach.

A good highland area to head to is Cameron Highlands. Temperatures range from about 15o C to 23o C, but it usually stays at a mid range point around 17o C. The room prices depend on the quality and location. You can get a reasonable room in the Brinchang area for anything less than RM150, allowing about RM25 - RM50 surcharge during school holidays and festive seasons. For more than RM150, you should expect a better than average room and a good view thrown in as well.

The cool weather is perfect for the adventurous couple to hike the numerous trails on Cameron. For those couples who prefer a quieter atmosphere, consider having high tea with the famous Boh or Bharat tea to accompany your meal.

Other activities you can do, aside from visiting the tea plantations and hiking, is to visit the strawberry farms that can be found almost anywhere and try your hand at self-plucking the strawberries. For flower and plant fans, most of the roadside shops sell a variety of plants - mini roses, cactus, ferns and daisies just to name a few. Take the opportunity to get a big bouquet of flowers for your other half - at a much cheaper price. :)

During the evening, don't forget to visit the night market and finish the day with a steaming hot steamboat dinner. You can even take this opportunity to start planning your wedding. Check out the next post for ideas on how to do that.

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