Going on a holiday? See our post! And make sure you get a great shot every time you're on holiday with these simple photo taking tips :
1. Plan In Advance.
Make sure you always bring an extra load of fully charged batteries... don't miss that perfect shot of that romantic sunset or some gorgeous scenery. Also make sure to bring some extra memory sticks if you're using a digital camera, or some extra film in case you're not able to buy the type you prefer while on vacation.
2. Get Extra Help.
A tripod is useful as it allows everybody to be in the picture while you have the camera's timer working for you. Get a small portable type you can just throw into your bag. Just make sure your camera has an outlet for the tripod, as some cameras (for some weird reason) don't. The tripod is especially useful for couple trips, so that you do get some shots of both of you together.
3. Composition.
If you're not sure which part of the panorama should be in the shot, just shoot it all! (This is also when tip #1 comes back into play with enough memory!) You can zoom in and frame the picture when you edit the images at home. Some may recommend you to do it at photo shops, but personally I think this is just a waste of money. Get a photo-editing software, learn how to use it and voila! You're set to go for the rest of your trips.
4. Practice practice practice!
Read the camera manual and practice using all the functions and what nots. This is especially true for those new SLR users as the camera settings is much more complicated than a simple point-and-shoot camera. This way, you'll know which settings to use. It'll be difficult to enjoy your trip if you're spending your time trying to figure out how to use the camera. Not to mention, missing all the great shots!
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