How do we keep the flame of romance burning in the midst of crazy schedules and a growing family?
The one to whom we vowed 'to have and to hold... for better or for worse... till death do us part' seems more and more to be a 'stranger in our homes' with the passing of time. Flaws seem to overshadow the positive attributes of our spouses. As such, we see our marriages slowly bur surely disintegrating into mere unions. Is this what we bargained for? ABSOLUTELY NOT! One way to restore a lackluster relationship is EDIFICATION.
EDIFICATION, a term often used in the New Testament, refers to the building up of individuals. When we edify others, we enhance their self-worth. This is a great gift that you can give your husband or wife.
But how should you build up your mate? Husbands and wives should follow biblical principles, like the example in the Song of Solomon. In brief, the husband edifies his wife by praising her. The wife edifies her husband by lovingly responding to him.
God has designed marriage so a husband is dependent on the affirmations of his wife and the appreciation she shows him for all he gives her. In the same way, a wife's sense of beauty depends greatly on what her husband thinks of her. She needs to be nourished with praise, never diminished by criticism.
It is wounding when a husband criticizes his wife. It is equally wounding when a wife lashes out at her husband. Both spouses have a tremendous need for encouragement through words, focused attention, eye contact and loving touch.
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