Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bripex Fair 2009

BriPex, is the LARGEST Bridal & Photography Exhibition in Northern Region, Malaysia.

The exhibition is jointly-organised by famous bridal houses together with well-known photographic equipment distributors. As a visitor, you can expect to get unbelievable discounts for wedding packages and access to a wide range of lenses, cameras, studio equipments and other photographic accessories. Events during the exhibiton include a photography competition, bridal show and LUCKY DRAW for the visitors!

Date: 10 - 12 APRIL 2009
Time: 11am - 9pm
Venue: Penang International Sports Arena (PISA)


I missed the fair... :O :O
Did anyone make it? Any comments?

Monday, April 6, 2009

DIY Family Planning

If you're planning for a family - now, soon, later.... start leading a womb and baby-friendly lifestyle now. Early planning and a healthy lifestyle will help you to keep your body up for conception. Take these steps to ensure your future :

1. Monitor your menstrual cycle.
Even if you aren't planning for a kid right now, be aware of your menstruation and its cycle. Not only is this important for family planning, but it also helps you be aware of your body and how to keep it tip-top, eg knowing how to avoid certain foods when you're bloating, keeping control of your emotions when you come into your PMS period...

2. Choose the right contraception.
Condoms, the birth control pills, IUDs, the withdrawal method - make sure that you read up about these methods of contraception and what fits you. If you're unsure even after your research, you can consult your local GP or go to a local family planning clinic for help. Some women report sensitivity to the latex in the condom, so this may not be the option for them (although there are other condoms in the market that cater to this). The Pill also has its downsides - weight gain, infertilitiy for a certain period after stopping the medication, and bloating are just some of the common side effects. IUDs (Intra-Uterine Devices) are NOT recommended for women who have not had children. So be informed and then make your decision based on that.

3. Your biological clock.
Not to alarm those who are in their 30's and older, but fertility do decrease with age. A woman in her early 20's has a 60% chance of getting pregnant as compared to another in her mid-30's who has about 25% chance. Quite a big drop in numbers! So if possible, try to plan ahead so that you can start your family before you hit the big 3-0.

4. Stop crash dieting.
Frequent dieting and weight yo-yos lead to proper ovulation and menstruation. Once your cycle has been interrupted in this way, it may remain off-cycle. And that means the possibility of getting pregnant is made more difficult.

5. Exercise!
Try to aim for around 15-30 minutes of activity - such as a brisk walk, swimming or yoga to enhance your body's fitness, flexibility and strength. Exercise is not only good for conception but also it is commonly believed that walking will help in the labour room to ease the baby's passage out.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Get Rid Of That Orange Peel!

In other words, get rid of the cellulite on your body, which normally shows up most clearly on the backs of your thighs. So if you want to wear cute hot pants, follow these steps so that you don't have to flash dimpled skin (and not in a flattering way) to the world.

1. Hydrate Up!
Drink around 2.5 litres of water every day. Water is truly a miracle drink - and it costs much less than all those sugared or carbonated drinks!

2. Reduce Caffeine.
Avoid drinks like tea, coffee and high sugar or caffeinated drinks like colas that will lead to more dehydration in the long run.

3. Increase Fibre.
Eat a high fibre diet. This helps to maintain a healthy bowel. Plus it rids the body of toxins and cholesterol.

4. Don't Smoke!
Smoking causes your skin to age and lose elasticity.

5. Exfoliate.
Exfoliate and massage your legs every day to increase blood ciculation and remove toxins. It also helps to put your legs up.